Innovative Currencies
Cryptocurrency with a Human Conscience
Home : Tokens : Oceancoin
Preserve Oceans While You Trade

OceanCoin is a groundbreaking cryptocurrency designed to support marine conservation efforts and fund initiatives aimed at preserving and restoring the world's oceans.

Tax Details

Upon each transaction (Buy, Sell or Transfer), a predetermined fee is imposed. The specifics of the tax structure are as follows:

  • Buy Fee: 5%
  • Sell Fee: 8%
  • Transfer: 2%
Where to Swap

We have established the liquidity pool for our token ($OCN) on PancakeSwap. Therefore you will need a personal crypto wallet, such as Metamask in order to trade.

Protection of Marine Life, Plastic Waste Reduction, Sustainable Fishing, Education and Awareness
Token Type
$OCN is a ERC-20 token on Bsc chain.
Total Supply
1,000,000,000 OCN
Deflationary Token
OCN is a deflationary token. The Buyback & Burn process will be conducted at random times.
Total Taxes Collected
0.054614 BNB ($27.08)
Donations will begin as soon as the amount of taxes reaches $10,000